Samantha Levy
Birthing Revival, Restoration
and Reformation
in the Nations!

Founder and Apostolic Leader at IN HIM International Training Centers is on fire for Jesus! She is a passionate worshipper who lives to share the love of Christ. Her prophetic ministry is a tremendous blessing to the Body of Christ, as she reveals Jesus through dance, song, and revelation of the Word.
Our Beautiful Sister, Samantha … ministers both individually and corporately as the Lord leads, releasing revival fires everywhere she goes! God is truly with her, as she inspires others to fulfill their destiny for His glory!
Precious Samantha . . .
is known for carrying the love of the Lord to many people throughout the nations; from the streets to the pulpit. She is constantly on the look out for those who have an ear to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying. As a true worshipper, who worships in Spirit and in Truth, she has devoted herself to the Lord and been raised up for such a time as this. Her connection to the King brings joy to many and she desires for each person to KNOW Him intimately.
Passionate WORSHIPPER!

Beloved Samantha is the Author
of the God-ordained, Inspiring book,
I Am With You!!
Check out what READERS are saying:
This book is an amazing compilation for the writers own thoughts and encounters with God, I have had the pleasure of hearing Samantha minister in person and her passion and zeal for The Lord are amazing. You can read this book daily or just pray and allow the Holy Spirit to lead you to the needed devotional. The Lord has given Samantha insight into His heart and you can feel the presence of The Lord as you read each daily devotional. The daily readings are right on time and will help you grow in Him. My favorite aspect of this book is the genuineness of the writing, it’s pure and innocent straight from the heart. – Pastor Vee
This book is so unique! Written by an amazing woman of God, madly in Love with the Lord. It is written in such a way that you feel as if you are reading it directly from her journal as God spoke it to her. It is written as a devotional, but you can’t hardly read just one day. I like to randomly open it and allow God to speak to me. Often times I have been left in tears because it was exactly what I needed to hear. This is definitely not one of those devotionals that you would read through in one year and lay it on a shelf or through away, but rather read over and over again. – Kelly M. Thomas
Let’s Support Our Beautiful Sister,
Purchase Samantha’s BOOK below:
Thank You For Your
Six One
Samantha Levy in Waverly, TN
“And I can’t quit! For if I say I’ll never again mention the Lord – never more speak in His Name … then His Word in my heart is like FIRE that burns in my bones, and I can’t hold it in any longer.” – Jeremiah 20:9 (TLB)
It’s All About Him!
It’s All About:

For Additional Information or Booking Requests,
please contact SAMANTHA LEVY direct
at her ministry’s site below:
IN HIM International
Training Centers

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