Minister Mary Jean Marquez
“Therefore encourage [admonish, exhort] one another
and edify [strengthen and build up] one another”.
– 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Minister Mary Jean Marquez . . .
was born and raised in El Paso, Texas. She is a wife to her amazing husband since 1987, mother to four beautiful daughters, grandmother and servant of the most High God. From the moment she gave her life to Jesus in 1990 her life took on a brilliant and beautiful transformation that opened her life to the God kind of life in every area of life.
As an ordained Minister, she has taught God’s Word in home Bible studies, her church serving in many areas of ministry, and community. Her hearts passion is to motivate and uplift people to live their best lives in every season and knows, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that if God helped her out of chaos, depression…He will do it for anyone who calls out for His help, and is willing to make the necessary changes.
Precious Mary Jean has a way of connecting with people in a very “real” way. When you meet or talk with her, you sense her realness, true care and love. She strongly believes in being real, and that tough love is necessary at times in order to make an impact in people’s lives.
Mary Jean Marquez is the Creator and Founder of Women Uplifting Women. She daily ministers and prays for people, and opens the opportunity for others to share their testimonies and passions. She strongly feels that when you encourage and uplift others, you yourself will be uplifted and encouraged. Her foundational scripture is, “Therefore encourage [admonish, exhort] one another and edify [strengthen and build up] one another” (1 Thessalonians 5:11).
Mary Jean Marquez ministers, teaches and speaks from a healed and whole heart, and her message of hope and encouragement lets people know, that no matter what has gone on in their lives, they can get up, dust themselves off and move forward in life. They can rise up and overcome with God’s help. Anyone can take what the enemy meant for evil, and turn it into something powerfully good if they choose to.
Mary Jean Marquez also has a huge love and compassion for all animals, and has created “Love and Compassion for Animals”. She believes that every living creature is created by God, and should be loved and cared for humanely. God says in Proverbs 12:10 that “A righteous man regards the life of his animals”, and she lives by God’s Word.
Precious & Beloved Mary Jean has written a healthy dog and cat treat Recipe Book where she shares her personal pet stories, and photos to raise funds for animal shelters. Proceeds from every purchase is donated to animal shelters. Please save a life and help shelter animals. If you are interested in ordering a book, please go to Amazon by clicking on below book cover:
For Additional Information or any Special Requests for Ministry,
please visit Minister Mary Jean Marquez’s website at:
“If you harbor unforgiveness within your heart,
in your life, it will affect every area of your life.”
Minister Mary Jean Marquez – Forgiveness
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