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WOMAN OF GOD DAY … our 10th annual Celebration of Honor is Saturday, July 21, 2021.
REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! Please Mark Your Calendars and Make Plans to JOIN US!
Thank You so much for visiting our site today! If you have additional questions:
1. About the Annual WOMAN OF GOD DAY Celebration
3. An Opportunity to NOMINATE a Phenomenal Woman of God
4. After nominating a Sister-in-Christ
5. Changes/additions to your Registration Form
We would love to hear from you! Just fill out the below *CONTACT FORM* and a Customer Service Minister will respond to you shortly in accordance to the information you have provided.
Thank You so much for Visiting, Inquiring and hopefully …
We look forward to hearing from you. Your feedback is greatly appreciated!
Please help offset the costs of the Celebration with your financial support.
For hassle-free giving, please click the DONATE BUTTON below. Thank You!
Twenty-Twenty Celebration
Saturday ~ July 17, 2021
Again … for visiting our Site! We pray you were comforted, edified and exhorted as you leisurely browsed through our cyber-rooms! Our sole purpose is to raise the bar of honor for God’s Precious and Beloved Daughters, who are not only extremely important to Him, but are totally cherished and highly esteemed by Him. We are very much aware that the set-time to FAVOR the Daughters of the King is now. So, we are helping to shine the Royal Spotlight on “God’s Phenomenal Girls” by our radical Love-Movement to influence and encourage the entire Body of Christ to come together corporately, in the Spirit of true Unity & Love, for the annual, royal Celebration of Honor, Love and Appreciation on the historic day named in their honor, Woman of God Day! This is our true and earnest desire. We sincerely hope that you come on board with us!
“If God made anything more beautiful than a Woman,
He kept it for Himself.”
– author unknown

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11
“See Your Battle As A Gate To Promotion. Warfare Is Not An Obstacle. Warfare is a stepping stone to your next promotion. Joseph reached the palace after the pit and the prison. Don’t run from the battle. Stay for the crown. Your Award Ceremony is the next scheduled event in your life.” – Mike Murdock