Genesis 1
In the beginning
the heaven
the earth.
Perhaps these ten words mean very little to you but to me they mean everything! What revelation. What truth is found in them. And I settled it within myself to believe every word written therein. God began the beginning! And to begin the Beginning, well, it means that God had to be BEFORE the Beginning! Yes, before there ever was a “beginning” … there was GOD. And this same GOD, Who began the beginning, has personally revealed HIMSELF to me, and I have not been the same! I am so proud and so humbled that HE has allowed me to be in His world and be a part of His Big Dream for all those privileged enough to be alive in it! – Thank You, My Darling Papa God!
What words have changed your life?
You Can Change The World
You can change the world!
With billions and billions of people currently alive in our world today, you might think that you alone, as only one person … can never do anything that will change the world. But you are wrong!
You can change the world … well, maybe not the entire world, but you do have the power to change someone else’s world! And we’d like to present a wonderful opportunity for you to do just that today.
With your financial donations. You have the power to make a significantly lasting impact on the lives of your Sisters-in-Christ at the upcoming 2018 Woman of God Day Royal Celebration, July 21, 2018. Yes, you can by your financial donations help us Help Our Sisters Shine and reinforce the truth that they absolutely matter; that they are profoundly appreciated; that they are massively loved, and that they are so worth publicly celebrating on a DAY named in their Honor: WOMAN OF GOD DAY!
You Can Make A Difference!
You can be very instrumental in changing the world for God’s Beloved Daughters! Some of the Women of God have never been publicly honored in their lives, and some of them are in their eighties! But you have a blessed opportunity to “rock their world”! And how awesome is that!
We Need You Today! Together, we can make this day, WOMAN OF GOD DAY, be more than just another “event” but a Royal Celebration, a Divine Experience that we will remember and cherish for many, many years to come.
Yes, Together, We All Can Shine as We Help Our Precious SISTERS Shine on a Day that the Lord our Wonderful GOD has ordained and placed His Personal Stamp of Approval on! And when WE shine, we bring great glory to our Heavenly Father and HE SHINES even more brilliantly!
“Let your light so shine before men,
that they may see your good works,
and glorify your Father
which is in heaven.”
– Matthew 5:15
Rev. Ora Stearns Smith
Pastor Leemann Smith
For Easy, Hassle-Free Giving, please use below link:
Yes, You Really Can
Make A Difference, Indeed!
“For God is not unjust so that He is unmindful
of your labour and of the love
which you have manifested towards Himself
in having rendered services
to His people and in still rendering them.”
Hebrews 6:10 – Weymouth New Testament
“A kind gesture can reach a wound that only
compassion can heal.”
– Steve Maraboli
“In this life we cannot always do great things.
But we can do small things with great love.”
– Mother Teresa
“God didn’t add another day
in your life because you need it.
He gave it because someone
out there needs you!”
“No act of kindness … no matter how small
is ever wasted!”
“Believe that what you do matters and
will make a difference in people’s lives.
You don’t have to save the world
in one stroke, but you can
make a difference
one person at a time.”
– Anonymous
“If you cannot feed a hundred people, feed one.”
– Mother Teresa

God Is
IS …
The Only ONE Who can bring to naught every negative thing you are going through, no matter its Mt. Everest’s size. God is not moved. He is not shaken. He is well able to bring you commandingly into your healthy, wealthy place. So, do not fear. And do not worry about anything. God will not remove His Covenant of Peace. Take a deep breath, slowly exhale, keep your eyes on The God of your Salvation, and Just remember:
“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth gives way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea.” – Psalm 41:1,2
“Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet My unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor My covenant of peace be removed, says the LORD, Who has compassion on you.” – Isaiah 54:10
Let not your heart be troubled. Always LOOK to The ONE Who is far,
far beyond-the-skies Higher than any Mt. Everest you encounter!
Looks can be deceiving
Looks can be deceiving.
How many times, my Beloved Sisters, have we missed God’s best for us because we ignored the wisdom of those words?
“But oh he is just so fine! And those dreamy eyes!
Who can resist them! I know he’s my soulmate!”
No, he is not!
Soul mate? Wait a minute! Think before you leap!
Yes, he is “hot” and all that. The way he looks is so irresistible! His packaging, Flawless! Everything about him tells you that he works out. Yes, he definitely works hard for that body! So Polished. So groomed. Eye candy, undeniably.
And the way he smells. That delicious scent of that man, well, it drives you wild!
And his speech, well, there’s never been a man that makes you feel the way you feel when he says what he says. Oh, he’s a gifted orator; a masterful wordsmith; that goes without saying. But the eloquent words coming out of his mouth … words that make you lower your standards and forget everything that you are, they flow not from a pure heart but from a pool of stool.
Don’t be deceived. Don’t be naive. And don’t be so desperate for a man!
You need to look closer and beyond the image; beyond the artificial, the superficial and listen more intensely, more intentionally. Hear deeper; hear past the sugar-coated, honey-dripping words that so easily arrests you and undresses you. Don’t just admire the packaging, examine the fruit.
Wake up, Sister Girlfriend!
Don’t be taken in by this smooth operator.
He’s shining … but he’s lying!
Don’t be in a hurry to jump headlong into another relationship. Slow down. Stop. Be on your guard. Listen. Really listen. And if you take the time to really get to know him, you just might discover that all that shines ain’t gold. And that too much sugar rots your teeth. Remember what Jesus said in Luke 6:45, “… out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.”
So let him keep talking! And as he is talking, examine the fruit of his lips; his sweet words just might reveal the real evil that his heart is so full of.
“A good man brings good things out of the good
stored up in his heart,
and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil
stored up in his heart.
For the mouth speaks
what the heart is full of.”
Don’t lose your bearings, precious Woman of God. Remember who you are. Remember You Are Royalty! And remember that the only man that you should be desperate for and the only man that you can trust wholly with your heart is JESUS, The Man Who valued you so much that He died for you. Yes, remember Him and the everlasting, relentless, unconditional love that He has for phenomenal You. Remember that He has no hidden agenda. He has no ulterior motives. His thoughts are pure toward you and He only has your good in mind.
Yes, remember who You Are and remember Your Value and Your Worth.
But most of all … Remember to Wait on the Lord. He can save you from a good-looking, fast-talking, smooth operator who is out to entrap you, ensnare you and destroy you.
Wait on the Lord, for He is The One Who can save you from unnecessary pain, anguish and shame!
Please remember that gifted makeup artists and skillful plastic surgeons can be masterful illusionists. So don’t be moved by how fantastic their finished products are. Don’t be fooled by the outer appearances.
It’s not what the man looks like on the outside;
it’s who he is on the inside!
My Beautiful Sisters … We naturally and so easily look at the outside but only GOD sees and knows the heart. And HE knows precisely what and who is best for Accepted-in-the-Beloved You. So again, I say … Wait on the LORD!
“But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings as eagles;
they shall run, and not be weary;
and they shall walk, and not faint.”
– Isaiah 40:31
A pretty face doesn’t mean a pretty heart!
Looks can be deceiving!
Make sure the people in your life right now, who you are associating with,
are the ones God has assigned you to!
Beautiful Emblem of Love
Woman of God … You are the Beautiful Emblem of Love,
but not just any love. Divine Love!
Precious Daughters of the King, never allow anyone or anything to make you think that you are less, or make you feel that you are not necessary! Who You Are is who the Lover of your Precious Soul says You Are!
- Learn what Your LORD has said about You
- Believe what He has declared
- Walk proudly and boldly in who you truly are
And You will never again allow anyone to dictate the terms of your existence or bow in shame to those who do not have a clue to WHO YOU truly are!
Woman of God … You Are Beyond Anything
You Could Ever Ask or Think
Or Even Dare to Imagine!