Beloved Regina Baker
“Be anxious for nothing,
but in everything by prayer and supplication,
with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;
and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding,
will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
– Philippians 4:6-7
Amazon Best Selling Author,
Certified Biblical and Internet
Business Consultant
Precious and Beloved, REGINA BAKER . . .
One of the most important things anyone could ever say about this Virtuous, Beautiful Woman of God is expressed best in her very own words when she stated, “I’m a God-Chaser ’cause I love Jesus with every fiber of my being!” And once you experience Regina Baker, you too will totally concur that she is indeed a God-Chaser and Authentic Lover of The Lord Jesus Christ! Her insatiable appetite for the Word of the Living God and her connection to and intimacy with the Lover of her precious soul, effortlessly spills over into everything she is and everything she does. Truly, she is a Royal Daughter of the Great I Am and a true Ambassador for Christ!
Beautiful Regina is an Amazon Best Selling Author, Certified Biblical and Internet Business Consultant, and she definitely knows what it’s like to really “let go and let God.”
“Life is REALLY like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get.”
Regina says, “It’s only when you deeply seek God for spiritual understanding, that you’ll ever be blessed with knowing that the battle really isn’t yours, and that by surrendering everything over to God is as simple as making a sincere decision to do just that.”
When faced with the devastating news of her late husband’s diagnosis, “terminal cancer,” Regina sought out for the real understanding of how faith and letting go and let God would help her through the difficult times ahead.
Regina says, “God holds us accountable to His revelation (understanding of His word). As believers, it is our responsibility to seek Him for guidance, for understanding and then trust and believe that He will do as He says.”
While the journey wasn’t an easy one, it was the best time of her life. She formed a relationship with Jesus Christ, studied the Word on a consistent daily basis and when the Lord called her husband home, she received a “peace that surspasseth ALL worldly understanding.”
One of Regina’s favorite messages received from the Holy Spirit is:
It’s how you go through the process, that determines the outcome. “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:6-8
Letting Go and Let God is not as complicated as we try to make it. After a two year journey of going through the process, and becoming a Certified Biblical Consultant, her book, “How to Let Go and Let God” was birthed out of the process. Regina now enjoys helping others to get past their pain to their God given power. She expressed the following:
Let’s face it, letting go and letting God is not an easy thing to do, however, it’s a simple choice. You let go of the things you can’t fix, you let go of the battles that really aren’t yours, you let go of justifying the wrong reason to get selfish gratification.
My book, “How To Let Go and Let God”, is a message of hope. It describes the pain I’ve dealt with and how I got past it. It’s a testimony of God’s grace and mercy, that when we give it all over to Him, He’s faithful to give us the true understanding of what faith really means and how to adapt it in every area of our lives.
This book, I came across by ‘chance’ ? And read, while I was struggling in the aftermath of a relationship break up. My urge to cling on and recover what was lost was destroying me emotionally. (I did not realise God was pruning me!) I let go … not instantly … placing that person in His heart. Finally once my own heart was empty and open He poured His gifts in … the Holy Spirit poured through me in loving forgiveness of that person as I lifted up that others heart. I have moved on, needing only God’s approval and love. Thank you for this book!! ~ Jo Jay
How to Let Go and Let God is not only an easy read; but, it is an awesome book. Regina Baker does an excellent job of sharing with us how the tragedies in her life were events that escorted (and maybe even catapulted) her into new and triumphant places in God. I especially appreciate that it is easy for one to relate to what is being communicated. This book will be a resource that I will keep and re-read as a reminder that God is ALWAYS in control. May God continue to bless you, Regina, to impart the love of God into the lives of and the wisdom of God into the souls of those who hunger and thirst after righteousness. ~ Renette R.
Graced by God with many gifts and talents, Beautiful, Beloved and Blessed REGINA BAKER, without hesitation, gives Him all the glory for the wonderful things He has done and continues to do in her life. Below are a few of the many rewards she has received:
- WE Magazine Class of 2014 Who’s Who Among Women in Ecommerce
- one of the 25 Outstanding Women Who Inspire 2014 by Hope For Women Magazine
- named the Leading Business Woman of the Year by The Women Business Owners Organization
- one of the Top 50 Fabulous Women Entrepreneurs by Black Business Women Online
- 50 and Fabulous Top Bloggers Named by Boomer Diva Nation
- one of the 2011 Social Media Superstars – Blacks in Technology
“Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God,
that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care
upon Him, for He cares for you.”
– 1 Peter 5:6-7
Regina is available for speaking engagements, radio interviews and consulting.
For information concerning such, please call 832.786.1907;
email, or visit Regina’s website at:
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