Believers Prayer
The following Prayer is taken by permission from book,
by Dr. T.L. Osborn
If you have accepted Christ, read the prayer that follows as a fresh confession of your faith and trust in Him. If you have not yet embraced Jesus as a living reality in your life, then please read this Prayer silently first. And when you are truly ready to accept the NEW LIFE that Jesus has prepared and is waiting for you, then read it out loud as you Pray This Prayer. Let your own ears hear what you are reading. And EXPECT Him to respond to you in love. You may not feel anything at all. But just know that Jesus has personally promised in His Word in John 6:37 that if anyone comes to Him, He will not turn them away or cast them aside. He didn’t add an addendum to this promise. He had no stipulations and no exclusions. This is a bold, beautiful promise to ANYONE who wants to come unto Him. And that “anyone” most assuredly includes YOU! So, you simply come to Him and let Him empower you to stay.
OH HEAVENLY FATHER, I am thankful to know and understand the Gospel and to believe what it says. I believe on Jesus Christ, and by faith, I receive You, Dear Lord, as my personal Savior – now. You were without sin, yet You died for my sins.
You took my place, assumed my judgment and suffered my penalty in order to ransom me and to restore me to God as though I had never sinned.
You took my sins and now, by accepting You, You impart to me Your righteousness. I have come to realize what a great price You paid to prove how much You value me. Your Blood was shed to ransom me.
OH JESUS, MY LORD, since You paid the full price for my transgressions, there can never be any further price to pay, nor any further penalty or judgment to suffer. I believe that I am saved, now and forever, because of the good news of what You accomplished for me when You died in my place.
Now I am restored to God my Father through Jesus my Savior. I have recovered the dignity You planned for me. I do believe that You have now come to live in me like You originally planned when You created me.
I believe I am saved. You and I are one again because of what Your Son, Jesus, did in my place. The Blood of Jesus Christ cleanses me. The Life of Jesus Christ generates me. The Joy of Jesus Christ fills me.
Thank You for saving me.
I am of infinite value. Thank You that You love me. I am yours. You have made my body Your temple. I have become a representative of the Kingdom of God in this life.
MY SINS ARE PUNISHED. They can never be punished again. My debt is paid. No debt can ever be paid twice. I am saved – here and now. I believe that, and I am free.
Thank you, Lord, for the power that makes me Your child; and that makes me a new creature now that I have welcomed You to live in me. Now I am as valuable to You as anyone else in the world because You paid the same price for me that You paid for any other person. I am as beautiful in Your eyes as anyone can be. I am loved. I can love others. Whatever I sow in others, I will reap in multiplied form.
Thank You that I am part of Your plan now. I have a place that no one else can fill. No longer will I condemn myself. No longer will I demean or destroy what You esteem so highly.
Now I am accepted in Your family. I can do Your work. I am born again. I am a new creature. I have repented of my old values. I have changed my mind about myself and about other people. Knowing how You value each human person has given me a new value of human life.
I SEE YOU, Oh Lord, with new eyes. I see others now as You see them. I see myself in Your own Image. Together with You, I can never fail. Thank You, Lord that You live in me.
In Jesus’ Name, AMEN!
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