Minister Elnora Roche
“And they overcame him by the
Blood of the Lamb, and by the word
of their testimony…”
– Revelation 12:11
There are so many scriptures in the Bible that a Daughter of God
could relate to concerning her life.
The one scripture that was engraved in my heart and rose to the occasion to strengthen and comfort me during one of the darkest times in my life was, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your path straight.” – Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV
In 1997, I was told by my doctor that I had breast cancer. I was devastated by the word “cancer.” And on the long journey before me, I would learn what it meant to put my trust in God, because I had no understanding about what was happening to my body. But I did have understanding of Who my body belonged to. And the peace that surpasses all human understanding was with me just as Jesus had promised, and I knew that I could put my trust completely in Him.
The word cancer changed my life and the life of my family.
But the words of Jesus overcame it all!
And my personal testimony is this:
Today I am cancer free at the age of 85!
And I still trust God, and I am not wasting any of my precious time wondering or asking why I experienced the misfortune in my health because this I do know, the Blood of Jesus cleanses all my infirmities. And I also know that many are the afflictions of the Righteous but The Lord delivers them out of them all! – Psalm 34:19. Yes, the Lord still delivers. I am a living testimony! You see, again the Blessed Lord has proven His love and healing power in my life. Seven months ago I was on my death bed. But Jesus stepped into my room. He showed me a ram in the bush that keeps his eyes on me; and I also heard the most wonderful music playing; music I have never heard before and it sounded so beautiful. And the Presence of the Prince of Peace had given me peace, and my trust was firmly in the Lord my God, my Rock, my Fortress, my Deliverer. – Psalm 18:2.
My trust was in The God Who is the same yesterday and today and forever. – Hebrews 13:8.
And my trust was not in vain. God did not fail me. He healed me from having dialysis three (3) times a week to two (2) times a week; and then, to no dialysis at all. And my God still was not finished. The access that was put in my heart for treatment is now removed. All Praises to God! Oh how my family and I are so thankful and forever grateful to our Heavenly Father for His love and mercy, compassion and faithfulness.
And I want to say to anyone and everyone that:
No matter what happens in your life,
you can absolutely:
“… put your hope in the LORD,
for with the LORD is unfailing love,
and with Him is full redemption.”
– Psalm 130:7 (NIV)
Something Special,
Something Supernatural
About That Name,
Bishop Paul S. Morton – Something Happens (Jesus)
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