Minister Patricia A. Wyatt
Passion for God,
Compassion for Souls!
“Four things let us ever keep in mind:
God hears prayer; God heeds prayer;
God answers prayer, and
God delivers by prayer.”
– E.M. Bounds

Minister PATRICIA A. WYATT . . .
is an Anointed Minister of the Gospel and the Founder of Not Forgotten Ministries, a ministry of compassion for the Elderly. This Precious and Beloved Daughter of The Great I AM earnestly desires (just like her Gracious Lord) to freely share the unconditional love of her Heavenly Father to all of the precious hurting people, especially those who feel they don’t need to know the Lord or are undeserving of His love. This keeps Patricia on her knees, fervently interceding for the displaced, the broken, and the forgotten ones.
Anyone who encounters the pure ministry of this Beautiful & Humble Woman of God instantly knows that her deep abiding faith in her Benevolent Lord is truly genuine, and her Mt. Everest-sized heart, full of God’s immeasurable love, cannot be denied.
Minister Patricia was taught the power of intercessory prayer by Pastor Nalinee Tillman of Lily of the Valley Church. She has served as one of the Prayer Ministers on one of the largest Christian Networks in the world, Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN). And Patricia was among the first graduates of Saints of Value Training Center, Dr. Vicki Lee Johnson, founder; and she has willingly served with many other ministries whenever she is called upon for assistance.
“Prayer honors God, acknowledges His being,
exalts His power, adores His providence;
secures His aid.”
– E. M. Bounds
“God does nothing but by prayer,
and everything with it.”
– John Wesley
Minister Patricia A. Wyatt … a Beautiful, Virtuous Woman
in whom there is no guile … truly she has a:
The numerous services of Minister Patricia A. Wyatt have not gone unnoticed! While working with Saints of Value Ministries, she was presented awards by U S Congresswoman Grace F. Napolitano; California Legislators Mike Davis and Tony Mendoza; State Senator Ronald S. Calderon; and Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, Don Knabe. Minister Patricia has also been the recipient of special awards from Just Jesus Ministries and Ora International.
Precious and Beloved Patricia A. Wyatt is a highly gifted writer who has written poems, plays, and special words of comfort and edification. She is a prophetic voice with a unique sound. When she speaks or prays, her uniqueness and her distinction (which is all her own, and makes her who she is in Christ) well, it is obvious to all (especially to me) that the Holy Spirit moves upon the voice and vessel of His yielded Intercessor like a chariot of fire. And His Word is like “hot manna” flowing from Minister Patricia’s lips and pierces inside you and brings out of you what you had no idea was inside you. Like a lost dream; a dead vision, dried bones, buried aspirations. It’s like God Himself breathes on you, opens up your spiritual eyes and causes you to see visions of you doing things you have never dreamed of doing … and going places in Him you have never dreamed of going! It’s like the sound of abundance of rain! Oh, I can hardly wait to read her books! Blessed be the Lamb of God! The rain is coming! The rain is coming! Hallelujah! – Rev. Ora Stearns Smith
The ones that are found serving … are the ones
who are the greatest representatives
of the Lord Jesus Christ.
“But he (she) that is greatest among you
shall be your servant.”
– Matthew 23:11
If You Are In Need Of Prayer Or
Just A Word Of Encouragement
For Additional Information regarding Not Forgotten Ministries
or Booking Requests for Minister Patricia A. Wyatt,
please send all inquiries via email to:
Tasha Cobbs – Break Every Chain
CeCe Winans – All In Your Name
Never underestimate the Power
of a Praying Grandmother!
That’s why we thank our Heavenly Father for
a Grandmother like Beautiful & Beloved
Minister Patricia A. Wyatt
Helen Baylor – Testimony
Praying Grandmother
Let Me Encourage You. Let Me Speak Life To You.
You Can Depend On God To See You Through.
And You Can Depend On Me
To Pray For You!
I Pray For You. You Pray For Me.
And Watch God Change Things!
Bishop Paul S. Morton – Be Blessed
Love Of My
Click either image above to READ a very special
Tribute of Love by Minister Patricia A. Wyatt
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